TV TONIGHT: Thursday 5 December - 'Keeping Britain Safe 24/7', 'Getting Rich In The Recession', 'The Secret War'

TV TONIGHT: Thursday 5 December

Only 20 days to Christmas! We'll be picking all our recommendations from the festive telly entertainment on offer this year, but in the meantime, here are our picks for a very cold Thursday evening...

Keeping Britain Safe 24/7 - BBC1, 8.30pm

Another one of those series that makes you feel guilty about taking the services in this country for granted. This week... fire fighters, hard at work on Bonfire Night, midwives and hardworking characters whose job is, quite literally, keeping leaves off the railway tracks. One thing to make us feel better? They all seem to get a rate of job satisfaction that stockbrokers and money-lenders might envy... I like to think.

Getting Rich in the Recession - Channel 4, 9pm

Talking of job satisfaction, here's a man who can smile when all around him is failing... because he's probably pocketing the spoils. If you though Del 'Boy' Trotter was a work of fiction, then it's time to meet Steve Elwis, whose motto could just be, "in any failure, an opportunity".

The Silent War - BBC2, 9pm

More job satisfaction on show here, even if the brave men involved were unable to share it with anyone, even their families. In a sign of the times, it's now considered safe enough for the individuals involved to surface from beneath the water, and share their stories of manning submarines during the Cold War. The filmmakers have done a great job of finding US, British and Soviet servicemen and revealing just how much they all had in common, when their jobs went nuclear and suddenly the battles on the chessboard of the world's oceans all changed gear. It's mind-boggling stuff.

Last night's big hitter: No surprises - I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! 8.6m viewers