Twitter Jokes Of The Week: Week 3 (Of 52)

Michael Gove And Other Jokes: This Week's Funniest Tweets

Hello, good morning and welcome... to this week's round-up of the funniest tweets.

And what a week it was! The week of Michael Gove's royal yacht, Michael Gove's Bibles, Michael Gove's Wikipedia's blackout and Michael Gove's Kodak's demise. It was also, of course, the week of the Golden Globe Awards and - quite possibly - the arrival of Michael Gove Gary Glitter on Twitter. Yikes.

We've already rounded up the funniest Wikipedia jokes and the funniest Golden Globe tweets this week - so here, for your enjoyment, are the funniest ones about, well, other things. Most of them are non-topical, some are whimsical, but all of them made us giggle like loons...