UCL Students Covered Themselves In Oil For An Orgy.. As Part Of Fossil Fuel Protest

UCL Students Covered Themselves In Oil For An Orgy.. Wait, What?!

Half-naked students dripping in oil stormed the corridors at University College, London on Tuesday - all in the name of climate change.

Protesters labelled UCL’s relationship with oil industry giants, Shell and BP, as “incestous”, and made their point clear by covering themselves in mock-oil. Approximately 35 students filled the hallway outside the meeting of high profile UCL Council members, forcing a number to be escorted in by security staff.

Fossil Free UCL organised the event to follow-up to November’s "die-in", which saw the same group protest against the university’s alleged millions investment in the fossil fuel industry.

A university spokesperson told HuffPost UK: "UCL is committed to an investment policy that is guided by ethical considerations.

"We are currently engaged with the Fossil Free UCL campaign, who have asked us to consider a number of investments under the terms of that policy, and this is process is ongoing, specifically through careful consideration of our investments by the university’s Ethical Investment Review Committee. "

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