UCL Students' Kinky Sex Habits, Professor Fantasies And One Night Stand Etiquette Revealed In Survey

'Where Do You Usually Have Sex?' 'I'm Not Exactly Sure'

A survey has revealed some rather surprising sex habits of London students, with almost half fantasising about their professor, and a handful forgetting where they've had sex.

The poll, carried out by student newspaper The London Tab, questioned students from the University College, London, about everything from their one night stand etiquette to whether they'd "sexted" to which students made the best "bed buddies".

26.5% of respondents were aged 14 to 16 years old when they lost their virginity; 38.4% were 16 to 18 years old; 21.5% were 18 to 20 and 12.3% are still virgins.

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Students were asked how they would rate their university sex life. This, and other infographics, provided by SurveyMonkey/TheLondonTab

Since starting university, nearly 30% have had one to two sexual partners; more than one fifth have had three to four and nearly 22% have had seven or more.

The survey, which questioned 219 students, also asked: "Which subjects make the best bed buddies?", to which 22.8% voted history, 20.1% voted natural sciences, while law students came in as the lowest with a mere 8.7% voting for them.

When asked where most of their sexual encounters occurred, 19 students said they were "not exactly sure". Nearly half (47.5%) have remained traditional and done the deed in their own beds, while 36.1% opted for someone else's. Other love-making locations included the library, nightclubs and kitchen floors… hopefully post-cleaning spree.

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Students from University College London (pictured) have revealed their sex habits in a student newspaper survey

Students' one night stand etiquette was also laid bare. When asked, how long they let their one night stand stay in their bed for, the majority (63.5%) said the whole night, "it's only courteous", a hopeful 28.3% said it depended if they were heading for a round two or not, while 18 students prefer to get straight to the point and kick their one night stand out immediately.

But luckily, many practise the "no love no glove rule", with the majority saying they had never had a sexually transmitted infection.

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Students answering whether they have ever had an STI

The respondents seemed keen to spice things up in the boudoir, with 85 students loving handcuffs, 63 indulging in some spanking, 59 opting for blindfolds and 12 engaging in a spot of whipping. Ouch.

More than a third of students masturbate three to four times a week, while a fifth have some "me time" once a day, and nearly 10% do it more than once a day.

Contrary to surveys showing "sexting" is on the rise, more than 40% of students have never had phone sex, Skype sex or sexted a naked picture of themselves.

When it comes to fraternising with the academics, nearly half of all students surveyed (46.6%) said they had fantasised about a professor, and had "always wanted to have sex on a lecturn".

Steady on.

And, just in case you're not up-to-date on your ins and outs of sex, we've picked the best bits of the NHS' new sex dictionary for young people, which was published on its website in October.