UK Blog Awards 2017: The Power Of The Nomination

UK Blog Awards 2017: The Power Of The Nomination
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JGI/Jamie Grill via Getty Images

The world of PR and traditional media has changed beyond imagination. Digital media changes daily and is like a form of parenting - "just when you think you have it figured out, they change the rules of engagement." (Katherine Keller)

Over the past three years, the UK Blog Awards programme has been recognising cross industry content across a multitude of industry sectors. When the UK Blog Awards were created, we felt it was important to recognise the hard work that individual talent put into their content, as well as businesses.

Why is the Power of Nominating Important?

We're a modest crowd, us British folk and if you haven't already heard the bulletin, the 2017 awards are running a Blog Hero campaign. Afterall, the online content world has developed due to the power of community, so you're all heroes, right?

Last year, we ran a Best of British campaign to showcase the great talent that the UK digitalsphere had to offer and the 2017 hero campaign signifies who may have inspired you and how you may have inspired others on a daily basis. There are many heroes and heroines out there that continue to innovate and push digital and moral boundaries on a daily basis. And with our busy digital lives, it's never easy to stop and think about who has helped you and who are the power heroes of your industry.

Many individuals and companies go day to day developing content, with readers passing by without making comment or interacting through social. As already mentioned, we are all guilty of the busy bug. Your industry heroes, are those who develop content for the love of writing, the love of change and the love of sharing their knowledge and experiences. However, the feeling of appreciation or a single comment that your content has made a difference can leave you feeling overwhelmingly warm inside.

When you nominate content into the UK Blog Awards, you can choose to do this anonymously or tell the nominee why you have cast your nomination. And that, our content friends is why a nomination can be so powerful.

What actually is a Blog these days?

We believe the term 'Blog' is the epitome of all digital content that is produced and really solidifies the foundations of what a Blog represents.

Whether you are a text Blogger, photo Blogger, video Blogger or podcast Blogger; it is important that we recognise and celebrate the amazing things you and everyone else is doing across the digitalsphere. And as a result, you can nominate your favourite blogger, vlogger, instagrammer and snapchatter for their hard work, dedication and passion!

During our recent Insight Interview's with previous UK Blog Awards winners, we have asked, 'how would you define a #BlogHero'. Faya from Fitness on Toast, for us, provided the perfect answer:

"Cheese alert: everyone who perseveres with a blog is a bit of a #BlogHero. It's not an easy job; society thinks you indulgently drink lattes and jet off on holidays, when you're working 15+ hours a day, seven days a week, never fully winding down, always planning ahead, fighting fires, answering emails etc. If you've lasted beyond the one-year stage, you have done incredibly well, as I estimate that 85% of bloggers throw in the towel before the first anniversary! Few traditional non-bloggers really appreciate the tireless devotion it requires, so it can often seem a little thankless, but sticking with it, and giving it your all is the best way to be really heroic - I've been there, but the results are just so worth all of your effort."

Of course, a UK Blog Awards will not change your life but as many of our winners have advised, it is about what you do with the title and it sure does help when putting yourself forward to work with brands, PRs and the media.

A nomination is your way of giving back and showing your appreciation for favourite social media personalities. The awards recognise 17 UK industries, phew, yes, it is a lot. As well as nominating your faves, it is worth noting that you can also put your own content forward. That's right, we believe in putting yourself forward for recognition and this is why we offer the opportunity for not only nomination, but also for you as an individual or company to enter your content into two categories for recognition.

Across the industry, there are a huge amount of collaborations happening and with the awards providing opportunity for recognition, you can sit back and appreciate what your industry has to offer by celebrating, in style! Entries and nominations for the UK Blog Awards 2017 with ODEON Cinemas close on the 22nd November - don't miss out on the opportunities to nominate your Blog hero.

Let us know what you think makes a true industry Blog hero or heroine?

This blog first appeared on the UK Blog Awards website, and can be read here