UK Records 245 More Coronavirus Deaths In 24 Hours As Latest Care Home Data Released

The latest figures were released on Wednesday. Northern Ireland has reported no new deaths for the fourth day running.

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The number of people who have died in the UK after testing positive for coronavirus has risen to 41,128 – an increase of 245 over 24 hours.

Since the end of April, the government’s daily announcement has included people in care homes and the community, rather than just in hospital, who have died.

But only those who had tested positive for Covid-19 are included, meaning anyone who died with a suspected case won’t be recorded.

The figures cover the period up to 5pm on Tuesday June 9. 

It comes after the number of people who have died in hospitals across the UK, as well as care homes in Wales, after contracting the virus rose by 109 in 24 hours.

That increase consisted consists of 88 hospital patients in England, 12 people in Scotland and nine hospital patients and care home residents in Wales. Northern Ireland has reported no new deaths for the fourth day running.

Meanwhile, as of 9am on June 10, 6,042,622 tests have been carried out, with 290,143 coming back positive.

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