UK Gardeners Urged To Do These 5 Important Chores ASAP

Winter is coming...
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Anyone who’s tried to fix up or add to their garden in the winter months will know how hard it can be to get outdoor jobs done when the mercury starts to plummet.

Aside from the unpleasantness of freezing fingers and relentless rain (isn’t it a joy living in the UK?), there’s also the issue of hard soil, decreased insect life, and hibernating plants.

That’s why autumn marks a key time in a gardener’s calendar. It is the perfect opportunity to plan ahead with planting for the following year as well as finishing up any final garden maintenance tasks left over from the summer.

And, according to Hannah Rowson, Assistant Garden Centre Manager at the seeds and bulbs specialists J. Parker’s, there are six crucial tasks that you’ll want to get down ASAP before the temperature gets any lower.


1. Add extra protection against the elements

To safeguard your plants from harsh autumnal weather, apply a layer of organic mulch around their base. This will help retain moisture, prevent frost damage, and suppress weeds. Organic mulches include composted bark, woodchip, straw or leaves. These materials decompose over time, adding extra nutrients to the soil.

Additionally, consider investing in cloches, row covers, or cold frames this autumn to protect young plants from chilly winds and early frosts.

For Mediterranean plants like Olive Trees or Cordylines, wrap them in horticultural fleece for protection as temperatures dip.

2. Water plants wisely

Autumn in the UK can be unpredictable, bringing a mixture of wet and dry spells. While it might seem the rain is abundant, you will want to monitor your garden’s moisture levels.

You can check the soil moisture using your finger, if the top inch of soil feels dry then it is time to water.

It’s also all about timing when it comes to watering – aim to water in the morning so that excess water is evaporated and to prevent root rot or fungal disease.

3. Start preparing for spring

Autumn is the ideal time to plant spring-flowering bulbs. The cool, damp soil provides the perfect conditions for your bulbs to establish before spring comes around.

Popular choices for spring bulbs include daffodils, tulips, and crocuses. By planting these now, you can enjoy a beautiful display of blooms when the warmer weather returns. 

And it gives you something to look forward to! 

4. Finish pruning trees and shrubs

Although you can feel like throwing in the towel for the rest of the year, there are still some essential garden maintenance tasks to do in autumn. Pruning and removing debris will keep your garden looking neat and tidy as well as promoting healthy growth.

Prune any dead or diseased branches from your trees and shrubs. Remove fallen leaves and debris to prevent pests and diseases from overwintering in your garden.

5. Stay alert for extreme weather

As the weather becomes increasingly unpredictable in the UK, autumn can bring early frosts and storms.

Keep an eye on the weather forecast and be prepared to act if an early frost or storm is predicted. By being proactive, you can protect your plants and ensure a thriving garden throughout the year.

The work of a gardener is never done, but finishing these six jobs before we find ourselves in winter should at least make it a little easier.