Ukip Leader Henry Bolton 'Could Kill A Badger With Bare Hands'

'I reckon I could do that.'

Ukip’s new leader has claimed he could kill a badger with his bare hands after being asked a bizarre question during an interview on Russia Today.

Henry Bolton, appearing on Sam Delaney’s News Thing, was asked if there was an initiation ceremony for those who become head of the party.

He was questioned if it included eating an entire English flag, arm-wrestling former England football captain Terry Butcher or hunting a badger with tuberculous across Dartmoor before killing it with your bare hands.

Bolton, laughing, said of the badger suggestion: “I could probably do that. I reckon I could do that… but it’s not part of the initiation into being a leader of Ukip.”

Questioned about it on Sky News’ Sunday with Paterson, he explained: “They gave me a few options as ideas for an initiation ceremony into the leadership of Ukip.

“The one that was probably the most suitable for me was chasing a badger across Dartmoor, capturing it and then breaking its neck with one spare hand, which was a slightly unusual thing.”

Presenter Niall Paterson said it was “possibly the strangest question” he had asked.

Bolton joked: “It was a little odd.”

Ukip’s general secretary later claimed the party’s strength is proven by its leader believing he could kill a badger with his bare hands.

Oakley wrote on Twitter: “Unlike the feeble old parties, only Ukip has a leader who is mighty enough to kill a badger with his bare hands.”

Meanwhile back in the land of politics, Bolton has said Britain in an “ideal world” should be aiming for zero net migration.

But he said he was not suggesting this to be practical, noting it would be “very difficult” to hit such a target, reports the Press Association.

He added he did not want to provide an “arbitrary” figure as “nobody listening here will really believe” it can be hit.