Geoffrey Clark, Ukip Candidate, Calls For Compulsory Abortions Of Disabled Foetuses

Ukip Candidate Urges Compulsory Abortion Of Disabled Foetuses

The Ukip candidate for Kent Council Council has provoked outrage after publishing a manifesto that called for disabled foetuses to be aborted, free euthanasia for the over-80s and the deportation of 'riff-raff.'

Geoffrey Clark came under heavy criticism after insisting mothers should be forced to undergo "compulsory abortion when the foetus is detected as having Downs, Spina Bifida or similar syndrome which, if it is born, could render the child a burden on the state as well as on the family. "

Ukip have since apologised if anyone was offended by Clark's views and have suspended him from the party. However as the election ballots have already been drawn, Clark will still stand in Thursday's election.

The learning disability charity said they were "disgusted and horrified" that in a year which heralded in changing attitudes towards disabled people, a council candidate could propose forced eugenics.

Mencap has started the hashtag #notaburden on Twitter, with many parents and carers tweeting in how their disabled children have transformed their lives for the better.

Mark Goldring, chief executive of Mencap, said in a statement: "It is abhorrent that Geoffrey Clark sees disabled people solely as a burden, when people with a learning disability lead full lives, and make valuable contributions to their communities and families. We question if he is fit for public office."

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Clark's comments came as Ukip continued to register record highs in polls, with Tories haemorrhaging support to the UK independence party.Lord Ashcroft said voters were defecting to the party because they were sick of political correctness, writing in his blog the party's

"primary attraction is that it will say things that need to be said but others are scared to say.”

However Ukip has sought to distance itself from Clark's proposals, which include the description "same-sex marriage" as an aberration and added that: "the Greens are very much in favour of it, as many of them live in Brighton."

Clark also proposes under the heading "immigration" that Britain should "deport riff-raff... halt all immigration.. cut foreign student numbers by 75%" and "introduce a burden on the state test."

A spokesperson for UKIP earlier told the Gravesend Reporter that though Mr Clark's opinions were not in line with party policy he would make an "excellent councillor".

He said: “The comments in Geoff Clark’s personal manifesto regarding abortion do not represent party policy. As in any party, our members have a range of views and opinions which may not always accord with party policy. Geoff makes clear that this is a personal manifesto, not a party document. Geoff is a hard-working local activist who would make an excellent councillor.”

This is a personal manifesto, he added.

"There are large parts of what he says in it that we entirely disagree with. The people of Meopham will have their own opportunity to decide about them on Thursday."

However UKIP spokesperson Gawain Towler, has now confirmed on Twitter that Geoffrey Clark will not be standing for UKIP in any future election.

However as the ballot has already been issued for Thursday's election, Towler said nothing can be done to prevent him standing.

Winston McKenzie, a Ukip candidate for Croydon North, sparked outrage in November after claiming it was "not healthy" for a child to be adopted by a gay couple.

McKenzie told the Croydon advertiser: "If you couldn't look after your child and you had to put them up for adoption would you honestly want your child to be adopted by a gay couple?

Last month the party made headlines after Rotherham council removed three children from the care of foster parents who were members of Ukip, after concerns were raised over the party's line on immigration. The council is now under investigation for the decision.

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