Unemployment: 'I Want To Set A Good Example For My Daughter'

'I Wanted To Set A Good Example For My Daughter But I Can't Get A Job'

Khuedeza Choudhury, 25, from East Ham left school with no GCSEs.

“I was seven months pregnant during my exams,” she tells The Huffington Post UK.

Having looked after her child for two years, she found employment in 2008 as a negotiator at a local estate agent.

“I did enjoy it, but it wasn’t really my field. I wanted to work with the social community. I wanted to help people. At the estate agent I felt like I letting people down all the time.”

Due to illness, Khuedeza was forced to leave 18 months ago. She recovered three months later, but has been unable to find a new job.

“I went on income support,” she said. “I was looking around for something more permanent. I applied to be a receptionist, to work in a surgery… I even applied for retail positions, which I didn’t want to do."

“I was applying for five jobs a week but I rarely got replies. The majority of jobs were asking for experience, but how can you get experience if no one will take you on?”

“It’s so depressing being out of work and not having anything to get up for in the morning,” she says.

“I’m at college at the moment doing a three month course organised by The Prince’s Trust. It keeps me busy. The course is teaching me general skills and getting my confidence up.”

Khuedeza lives on benefits and only has around £20 per week after bills are paid. Staying out of debt is a constant struggle and she has got used to going without.

“I just want to be able enjoy life. Instead, I feel like I’m stuck in a rut, just getting through each week.”

“I haven’t been able to save a penny. Everything that comes in goes out. My daughter is busting out of her shoes every three months. I really struggle to keep up. At the end of the week, I’m left with nothing. I just buy the bare essentials.”

“I want to be out there setting a good example to my daughter but I just can’t seem to get a job.”