Unibrow: 5 Reasons Why It's Not A Beauty Trend, Yet

Let's get #unibrowonfleek trending!

The unibrow is being tipped as the hottest beauty trend of 2017, but is it really about to become the most coveted look of the season? 

We’re all about to “embrace the unibrow”, according to The New York Times, which cites model Adrien Sahores’ recent advert for Levis as proof of the growing acceptance of the look.  

Thanks to Cara Delevingne’s prominent brows, women everywhere have tried endlessly to copy her model-like full arches, but aside from Frida Kahlo and musician J D Samson, we’ve yet to see many women embrace the unibrow.

Which is why we’re not entirely convinced this can yet be called a “trend” and we have good reasons to back us up...

1. Have you spotted a drawn-on unibrow on the tube yet? 

 2. People who have been proudly sportin’ theirs since birth aren’t yet claiming they started the trend. 


3. Someone, somewhere, didn’t pluck, called it a ‘trend’ and started the rumour mill churning... 

4. Until you can buy a “unibrow pencil” in an array of shades we’re not convinced. 

5. #unibrowonfleek isn’t a trending hashtag.