Urban Outfitters In Serious Trouble Again

Urban Outfitters In Serious Trouble Again

Artist James Soares has accused high street retailer Urban Outfitters of ripping off his work with one of its miniskirt designs *shakes head, sighs*.

Soares' prints and product lines can be sourced on Society6.com and it only takes a quick glance to see with this copyright violation complaint, he might actually have a point.

Take a look at the print miniskirt in question (which has since been removed from the website) and the artist's portfolio of prints...

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Understandably, Soares is pretty p*ssed about all this and flagged up the copy on his Tumblr page saying: "Urban Outfitters is ripping me off with the help of a party named 'Bambam'. This is taken from my original work tryypyzoyd. I'm furious. PLEASE SHARE TO HELP."

As for Urban Outfitters? A spokesperson for the brand told Huffington Post Style: "We take matters such as this very seriously and removed the product as soon as this was brought to our attention. Urban Outfitters has worked with Society6 since 2010 to help bring awareness and sales to their creative network of artists."

They continued: "As long-time supporters of Society6 and independent creatives, we would never intentionally appropriate their work. The origin of the design is still being investigated with the designers at BAMBAM Cloth. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue."

This is not the first time Urban Outfitters has faced such accusations or courted controversy. Remember that Jewish Star t-shirt? It's almost like the brand's trying to spark outrage...