US Reporter Says New Trump-Biden Poll Is 'Tough One To Spin'

But former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile warned not so fast.

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz said a new poll showing former US President Donald Trump drubbing US President Joe Biden in a potential 2024 rematch was “a tough one to spin.”

Biden trailed 2024 Republican frontrunner Trump by 10% points in the survey conducted by The Washington Post and ABC News.

But the Post acknowledged “the difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier.”

“Whatever caveats, whether that is an outlier, that’s a tough one to spin,” Raddatz said on Sunday’s episode of This Week in a video that Mediaite shared online.

Former Democratic National Committee chair Donna Brazile admitted that yes, “it’s a tough one to spin,” but said Democrats shouldn’t “be sitting in a panic room” just yet, citing multiple unexpected victories the party has enjoyed in recent months.

Brazile acknowledged Americans’ anger at the rising cost of living and urged Democrats to continue to talk up the successes of the Biden administration so far.

“There’s more than enough time to turn all of this bad weather around and go out there and make your case to the American people,” Brazile added.

Earlier this month, Brazile said Democrats should “run as if we’re 10 points behind,” claiming they “should be concerned” ahead of next year’s vote.

“I’m not sleeping at night thinking all is well, OK?” Brazile admitted.