Trump Unfit To Clean Obama's Toilet -- USA Today Board's Scathing Editorial

The board added that Trump is a “uniquely awful” person with “sickening behavior.”

USA Today published a brutal editorial from its editorial board Tuesday after President Donald Trump smeared Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) by saying she “would do anything” for campaign contributions.

“A president who’d all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama’s presidential library or to shine George W. Bush’s shoes,” USA Today’s Editorial Board wrote, adding Trump was clearly suggesting Gillibrand would trade sexual favors for campaign donations.

The board added that Trump is a “uniquely awful” person with “sickening behavior.” His tweet was a new low for a president redefining rock bottom, they wrote.

Gillibrand and her supporters were quick to respond. The New York senator tweeted that she would not be silenced by Trump, a person who brought shame upon the Oval Office.

After ripping Trump for his attack on Gillibrand, USA Today’s Editorial Board listed key instances when “Trump’s utter lack of morality, ethics and simple humanity” was on full display. 

Read the editorial in its entirety here.