Usain Bolt Smiling Photo Memes Are Taking Over Twitter

🎶 Making my way downtown, walking fast 🎶

Olympic gold medallist Usain Bolt seemingly sauntered to the finish line in the men’s 100m sprint in Rio on Sunday night, and even took the time to pose for the cameras as runners from other nations tried their best to catch up.

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Cameron Spencer via Getty Images

The Jamaican sprinter, who currently holds seven gold medals, fought off his competition to complete the race in 9.81 seconds.

Bolt’s cheeky smile was captured by photographer Cameron Spencer and has since become one of the most iconic images of this year’s Games - along with the green swimming pools and Michael Phelps’ game face.

Like any other unique image from the events, Twitter users latched onto it and found ways to make people laugh.

Sadly Team GB’s Chijindu Ujah wasn’t look quite as photogenic as Bolt.

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