Five Tips on How to Attract Love on Valentine's Day

If you find yourself without a date, its time for you to do five loving things for yourself on the day so you can attract love into your life. Become the person that you want to attract and there is nothing more sexy for a man, when he sees a woman who is brimming with confidence and self love for herself.

You have now said goodbye to Mr Ex and the question is now "What's next?"

With Valentine's Day on the horizon, if you are single, you may find yourself dreading the day as you see couples coming together to show their love for one another, which only exacerbates your feelings of loneliness.

If you find yourself without a date, its time for you to do five loving things for yourself on the day so you can attract love into your life. Become the person that you want to attract and there is nothing more sexy for a man, when he sees a woman who is brimming with confidence and self love for herself.

1) Buy yourself something really nice

There are no rules in life, only those that we give ourselves. One of the rules that I see a lot of my clients make is that the guy has to be the one to make the first move, or he is the one responsible for buying her something nice.

I have a different rule. Don't wait and buy something you love for you. Think about what you would want to be gifted by your ideal date and go buy it!

So what will it be? Flowers, chocolates, some nice negligee or a book?

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the first step in attracting a new relationship in your life is to become who you want to attract. Loving yourself harder is a sure way to find someone to love you more quickly.

2) Do something you haven't done before

Use the day to do something really nice for yourself that you have never done on your own before. Just like with the gift, spoil yourself with having a massage, sauna or even take yourself out for dinner. Why expect someone else to take you out for dinner, when you won't?

I get that going to a restaurant on your own can seem really daunting, however the more you do it, the less uncomfortable it will feel and the more likely you are to do it again. Being in your own company and enjoying it is part of the journey to feel loved.

3) Get together with other single friends

Make a date of it with single friends. Now, if most of your friends are still in relationships then see if spending time with them is a option. If you have been single for a while, take this opportunity to join groups where you can meet people who are single and who can become friends. It may well be that your social circle has changed a bit because of you are no longer in the relationship. Even if your friends are still the same, it is important to venture out and attract new situations to you if you want to move on.

4) Create a love nest at home

If you don't want to go out or cannot, then create a love nest at home. Turn your environment into a place that makes you feel loved and gives you at feeling that love is in the air (with yourself). Light some candles, decorate the house with flowers, surround yourself with some loving music and immerse yourself in the beauty around you.

5) Do something kind for someone else

The power of giving back is a wonderful thing. As you give out love to help others without any sort of attachment to receiving it, you will be rewarded tenfold. There are always going to be people less fortunate than you, who are going to need your help. Wouldn't it be amazing to give back to those that need it most on a day that represents love? Not only will it make you feel amazing, but you will be making a massive difference to those who you decide to volunteer the help for.

In short, Valentine's Day can turn into a day of self-love and giving. Celebrate who you are and what you have got! As you do have a lot.

Marina is the author of Goodbye Mr Ex and the Founder of Divorceshift an organization that is known for nourishing women's souls after tragedy, leaving them feeling freed and transformed. To download a free chapter of her book go to

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