Veg Shortage Extends Beyond Courgettes, With Tomatoes, Broccoli And Lettuce In Short Supply

'I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg (lettuce).'

Earlier this week news of a courgette crisis brought sadness to spiralizer fans across the UK, but it seems courgettes aren’t the only veg in shortage.

According to the BBC, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, lettuce and cabbage are all facing dire times. 

The shortage stems from poor weather in southern Spain, which has led to fewer crops being harvested.

This has coincided with a cold snap in Italy, where they’re having to import vegetables as opposed to export them.

As the UK imports an estimated 50% of its vegetables and 90% of its fruit, the shortage is hitting the nation hard.

While some seem genuinely concerned by the news...


Others have found comfort in humour.

Some are refusing to let the shortage change their menu...


But many have suggested we should buy seasonal veg anyway.


Meanwhile, some are distracted by the chance to make a profit.

At least this gives us an excuse to break our vegetable-related New Year’s resolutions. Pass the biscuit tin.

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