Police Officer Buys New Shoes For Barefoot Man And Is Rewarded With Instant Internet Fame

This Video Captures Police Officer Displaying A Wonderful Random Act Of Kindness

A police officer has been rewarded with internet fame after his touching random act of kindness was caught on video.

Kenya Joyner, of the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA), was on patrol in New Jersey when he was alerted to attention by a bus driver, who complained that one of the passengers wasn’t wearing shoes.

The officer then intervened and escorted the man from the vehicle before disappearing only to return minutes later. When he returned he was carrying a pair of boots he'd bought for the stranger.

A passerby recorded the scenes in the aftermath, shaking his hand and telling the policeman: "I videoed you - you're going to go viral."

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The police officer provided shoes for the homeless man

Footwear is required on the bus at all times so the officer was forced to escort the rider off the vehicle.

"I just felt like the gentlemen simply was on hard times. He wanted to ride on the bus but he couldn't afford shoes; there was no need for me to arrest him for that," Joyner told a local news source about the encounter.

Passerby Kayla Palmer caught the officer’s good deed on camera. Her video has since been watched more than 50,000 times since being uploaded to Facebook on Sunday.

"I could tell he was really humble," Palmer told the Inquirer of the police officer. "He didn't want any recognition for it."

This week, the CEO of the Delaware River Port Authority John Hanson praised Joyner for his thoughtful gesture.

"I think he did the right thing. He went above and beyond. He was his best self I think in that action and he set an example for all of us," Hanson told KYW-TV.

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