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Vodafone's 'Family Time' App Allows Parents To Switch Off Wi-Fi At Dinner And Set An Internet 'Bedtime'

The App That Will Turn Your Teen's Wi-Fi Off At Dinner

Parents of teens will no doubt know the feeling of their son or daughter being glued to their phone at the dinner table.

But a grand idea from Vodafone allows parents to switch off the internet on all phones and tablets in the house simply by the click of a button.

Yes, really.

Parents will be able to control the internet through an app on their phone, which then sends a message to the router and turns it off.

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A spokesperson for Vodafone told HuffPost UK Parents: "We know how important fast, reliable broadband is to all our lives, but we also wanted to give people - especially parents, control over it.

"We've introduced features into a companion app that works seamlessly with our new broadband service to easily set the hours of access and to turn it off.

"Broadband is important, but so is spending some time without the temptation to share snaps of your meals at dinner time!"

The app - as part of the 'Family Time' service - will also allow you to add special guest internet network so visitors can use the web without having to find out the wireless internet code.

With the switch of a button, parents will be able to set limits on internet usage and introduce times throughout the day when wireless is not available - such as dinner time.

Through the app, parents can also set a 'bedtime' for the internet, and turn it off between certain hours of the day or night.

Jeroen Hoencamp, chief executive of Vodafone, told ThisIsMoney: "To be able to use the Family Time service, customers must have a Vodafone internet service at home.

"It is now available in Manchester, Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey, and will be rolled out across the UK."

Although currently you have to have a Vodafone broadband service to use this, non-Vodafone customers will be able to sign up later in the year, but will pay £5 a month more.