Students Creeped Out By Vote Leave's Latest Ploy

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Students at Southampton University were feeling yucky when Vote Leave campaigners began distributing condoms on campus.

The special sheaths are being rolled out for the EU referendum and carry cringeworthy slogans such as "It's risker to stay in" and "The safer choice". 

They were distributed as part of an initiative to target students and were spotted by an eagle-eyed student journalist.

The campaign has now confirmed that it has ordered more of the condoms.

In fact, it said: "...a second, larger, load" was available.

Yet Vote Leave isn't the first campaign to think promotional prophylactics are a good idea.

In 2014, Ukip issued branded condoms in order to shore up the student vote.

The chairman of the party's youth wing told a gathering of student supporters the purple prophylactics were back "by popular demand.

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HuffPost UK
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