General Election 2017 'Can't Be Arsed' Party Releases Video To Make Young People Vote

If we ignore all the problems in Britain will they just go away?

In the last general election 15.9 million people didn’t vote - that’s more people than voted for any of the parties.

“I just want young people to get off their arse and vote. We live in a great country and when you live in one, it’s easy to sit back and not do anything. I wanted to highlight how ridiculous it is not to do anything.” Matt Saunby, ECD at Forever Beta, says.

The group have published a campaign-style video for the fictional CBA (Can’t Be Arsed) party to highlight the ridiculousness of not voting.

We see British comedian Nas Osmanoglu doing the rounds of Westminster bridge and central London with his empty campaign bus, and speaking to people on the ground about whether they can or can’t be arsed to vote, and whether they should join his party.

At the end of the film, which features a cameo from Ian Hislop, there is a call to action to visit the CBA party website

Find out more about the campaign on Twitter.

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