WATCH: Cute Orphan Koala Baby Hugging His Teddy Bear

His name is 'Little Buddy'.

Little Buddy (or LB for short) is an orphaned koala joey from South Australia, and wow he's adorable.

According to Tourism South Australia, LB was first found "in the mouth of a very gentle (and very caring) dog".

"While he's too young to stay at Cleland Wildlife Park, he's being cared for at the home of senior guide Heather and her family. He's doing very well and gaining weight with four feeds per day. He's also extremely attached to 'Huggie' the soft toy -- who acts as his surrogate mother!" Tourism South Australia said in a Facebook post that accompanied the video.

"Like all cheeky koala babies we hear he's very playful at night, and when he's not snuggling up with Huggie, he likes chewing gum leaves and gum flowers. If all goes well, he'll return to the park when he's a little older to meet and greet its visitors," the comment continued.

LB and Huggie proved to be big hits with the followers of Tourism South Australia's Facebook page -- by Monday afternoon the post had received almost 7,000 likes.

And they've got more videos of koalas to top it all off:

Including these two munchkins:

And this cheeky bugger:

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