Watford Road Rage Incident Sees Man On His Way To Job Interview Stomp On Woman's Bonnet

The man also threw a cup of coffee at the woman's windscreen.

A man has been caught on video stomping on the bonnet of a woman’s car before hurling his coffee at her windscreen in a dramatic road rage attack in Watford.

The video, released on YouTube by a French woman who had recently moved to the UK, shows her almost colliding with a male motorist on Bushey Mill Lane.

Furious about the near miss the male Volvo driver stops his car and approaches the woman’s vehicle screaming: “I’ve got a fucking job interview. Look at this mate.”

The woman, who seems increasingly shaken by the incident, responds: “I don’t care about your job.”

The man then stomps on the woman’s bonnet before returning to his own vehicle. 

Seconds later he reappears with a cup of coffee which he throws at the woman’s windscreen before stomping on her bonnet a second time. 

The female driver is then heard saying, “What the fuck” as the man drives off. 

The woman posted the video to YouTube on July 2 under the name Marie Kervella.

In a caption she wrote: “The second week of driving in England and I am greeted by this English! There are big bumps on my car where he kicked.”