We Need To Talk About How To Make Renting Better

The number of private renters is estimated to overtake mortgaged home owners by 2022.

Many associate renting with sheer doom and gloom: you have to pay an eye-watering amount of cash each month, you often can't have pets and, to top that off, financial and contractual security hang in the balance.

It seems we need to have a conversation about renting - and it needs to happen soon. The number of private renters aged 35-44 has doubled in the past 10 years, a Family Resource Survey revealed, and at this rate it's estimated that the number of private renters could overtakemortgaged home owners by 2022.

With younger generations facing stagnant wages, rising rent prices and limited opportunities for home ownership, what's the solution for making renting less awful? Here are some suggestions about how landlords, letting agents and the government can help renters finally find joy in their living situations.

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