Whale Found Dead In Humber Estuary Was Rare Species

'Rare' Whale Found Dead In Humber Estuary

PRESS ASSOCIATION -- A young whale which died after it beached in the Humber Estuary is probably of a species rarely found stranded on the British coast, conservationists have said.

Experts examining the 33ft long animal, which died about 875 yards from the shoreline, say they are 95% sure it is a female Sei whale.

The animal was trapped in shallow water near the East Yorkshire village of Skeffling, on the north bank of the River Humber.

Andy Gibson, of the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, said Sei whale strandings were very rare.

He said there had only been three strandings of this species in UK waters in the last 20 years.

"It is sad. It was in shallow water of about 1.2m (4ft) to 1.6m (5.25ft), making contact with the bottom," Mr Gibson said.

"This was about 800m offshore.

"When it gets in that situation it rolls onto its side and it can cover its blow hole."

But Mr Gibson said: "It is sad but we will be able to learn a lot from it."

The whale is the latest of a number to have died in the Humber estuary area recently.