White House Plans In-Person Holiday Parties As Covid-19 Cases Rise

No word yet on whether there will be changes to minimize the spread of the disease.

The White House plans to host its annual Hanukkah reception next month, even as coronavirus cases are on the rise around the country.

The reception is scheduled for 3 pm on December 9, according to a copy of the invitation, which was shared with HuffPost by the recipient. There were no instructions included about special coronavirus precautions.

The White House is also planning its Christmas party, looking at December 10 as a potential date, according to a GOP source on the Hill.

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment on whether officials plan to implement any safety measures. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency first reported on the Hanukkah event.

A crowded scene from the White House's 2018 Hanukkah party.Open Image ModalA crowded scene from the White House's 2018 Hanukkah party.
A crowded scene from the White House's 2018 Hanukkah party.
Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention put out new guidelines Thursday, stating that “postponing travel and staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others this year.”

Typically, hundreds of people ― from all over the country ― attend White House holiday receptions.

The White House has shown little interest in taking steps to slow the spread of the coronavirus. President Donald Trump’s Rose Garden ceremony to nominate Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in September became a “superspreader event.” Many of the 150 guests did not wear masks or practice social distancing. Shortly after, a number of people who attended became sick. 

Even after Trump contracted the coronavirus, officials refused to require that staff wear masks at work.

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