Who Framed Roger Rabbit Is 25 Today, But Is It OK To Have A Girl Crush On Jessica?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit Is 25 Today, But Is It OK To Have A Girl Crush On Jessica?

Who Framed Roger Rabbit is 25-years-old, and no, we can't believe it either. The iconic flick is a firm favourite of both children and adults alike, but the star of the show? Jessica Rabbit. MyDaily's Celebrity Writer Ellen Stewart asks whether it's okay to fancy a cartoon?

Is it right to envy the curves of a cartoon character? To have a slight girl crush on a drawing? The answer to those questions is no, probably not. Alas, I find myself wishing I could slip into a sparkly red number complete with scoop-back, plunging sweetheart neckline and killer thigh-high slit a la Jessica Rabbit.

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The animated star of the quarter-of-a-century-old Disney film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, is without a doubt one of the sexiest women to ever strut her stuff across the silver screen, and yet she's not real. I know, breaking news right?

But Jessica is the epitome of womanly gorgeousness. She's confident, charismatic, a real man-eater AND she's got the hourglass figure to boot. Girls want to be her and guys want to be with her... Even though she's a series of lines on a piece of acetate.

I'll be the first to admit I've been dying for a friend to throw a movie-themed fancy dress party, just so I can don a red wig, purple silk gloves and the mandatory pout, strut into the room in eight inch heels and declare, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way." Try and deny you haven't thought the same.

Essentially this is me confessing to idolising a character that is, in pretty much every sense, the male idea of sex incarnate? Sex incarnate born out of a Disney film, might I add, because that makes it creepier.

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Upon writing this feature I asked a boy, a real life boy who has a bit of a thang for Jess (think posters all over his bedroom wall, probably has her tattooed on his bum etc. etc.) why he hearted her so much.

His response? "Because of everything. The hair, the voice, the swagger and the fact that she sticks by her man." Of course, by "man" he obviously meant rabbit, but that's beside the point. The boys love 'er for all the same reasons the gals do and, I'm not sure about you, but I reckon that's a rarity.

The only other fictional character on par with Roger Rabbit's better half is Miss Piggy and she kinda doesn't count because, being a puppet, she's actually tangible.

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In sum, it's probably not okay to want to be and/or be with a Disney cartoon character, even so there will always be a place in my heart for Jessica Rabbit because not only is she hawt but she's a total hero who'd never dream of playing pattycake with