Who Wants To See Photos Of Teri Hatcher Inexplicably Wearing A Dirndl?

Who Wants To See Photos Of Teri Hatcher Inexplicably Wearing A Dirndl?
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We are currently looking at these pictures of Teri Hatcher in a dirndl and pondering the events that led to this point.

We received the pictures with the caption "Teri Hatcher wearing a traditional dress 'Dirndl' and sighting with a horse Fiaker in Salzburg, Austria. Teri is in Salzburg for attending the Classic Music Festival as guest from Montblanc."

Which, a) where's the horse? and b) just because you're in Salzburg doesn't mean DIRNDLS AHOY.

We'll have to write her publicist a letter asking for further clarifications. More on that as it breaks...

And here are some dresses we like, just to offset the weird not-quite-explained-ness: