Because, America is not Berkeley University. America cannot be controlled with trigger warnings about microagression. America cannot be restrained under a fragile tyranny of political correctness. America cannot (and should not) bear the great white guilt and hence, they have voted in a great white shark. America has spoken today and the verdict is out.

The white working class is the American equivalent of the Indian Backward Castes in political and economic terms. Though they form the majority and though they suffer the most (as much as non-whites) from America's disastrous economic policies, they are only seen by posh urban multiculturalists as backward villains, racists, xenophobes, inbred dimwits - or simply, "white trash". The term "white trash" is so broad that it can be used to refer to any white person who cannot afford elite education, who lives a life that has none of the multicultural or multiracial glamour of a cosmopolis.

And what do you know - according to a report of voting patterns in North Carolina, "Trump is getting 70 percent of white male voters with no college education." That is, the untouchables whom Clintonists would never dream of campaigning with. Bernie Sanders had a chance to win them over. But like most leftist leaders today, he shot himself in the foot when he compromised to an ultra-elitist, bank and arms industry favoured, war-mongering.. err... feminist. How to understand the 'to defeat Trump, we need to ally with Clinton' argument then? Through Hollywood of course!

In Jurassic World, you have the cruel genetically altered mega-monster Indominus Rex which goes on an indiscriminate killing spree of anyone in its path. To defeat it, the humans 'strategically ally' with Tyrannosaurus Rex (which is also a genetically altered monster that wreaked havoc in earlier movies, but that history is conveniently forgotten). In the climax, T-Rex saves the humans from Indominus Rex and rules over Jurassic World like a triumphant, well um, liberal democrat. But a radical ending to this movie would have been to show T Rex defeating Indominus Rex and proceeding to eat the humans. That would have been the fate of Sanders' politics had Clinton won; any leftist core in it would have been swallowed by the wave of triumphant militaristic liberalism. Now at least Sanders and co have time to introspect on what went terribly wrong for the American left.

I did think Clinton will win. But America has voted anti-establishment for the first time in several decades. Trump had all odds stacked against him - the lefty media and the corporates, pacifists and the arms-industry big wigs, Occupy and Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and George W. Bush. And yet he won. A pity that this anti-establishment candidate is a racist bigot, and not a left-wing leader who could mobilise America's majority and minorities against the establishment.

But what is the most radical thing the American left has done in recent times besides vomiting theoretically hollow jargon and preaching practically unfeasible activism in infantile ultraleftist forums like CounterPunch and Jacobin? And will the liberal writers who are cribbing about the "audacity of hopelessness" and pitifully wetting the pages of the NY Times with their tears ever comprehend that liberalism has exhausted its limits? Perversely, the only happy thing in these dark times is to see stupid people like these cry!

Because, America is not Berkeley University. America cannot be controlled with trigger warnings about microagression. America cannot be restrained under a fragile tyranny of political correctness. America cannot (and should not) bear the great white guilt and hence, they have voted in a great white shark. America has spoken today and the verdict is out.


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