'Millions March' Protesters In NYC Explain Why Unarmed Black Men Keep Being Killed By Police

Why Do Police Officers Keep Killing Unarmed African-American Men?

NEW YORK -- Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of New York City on Saturday to protest the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown, two unarmed African-American men killed in recent months by police officers. The incidents, one in Staten Island, New York, the other in Ferguson, Missouri, have ignited a fierce backlash across the country, leading to national introspection as to why this type of killing remains prevalent in modern America.

In the video (above), protesters in Washington Square Park attempt to explain why fatal police action against African-American men remains so disproportionate, and why, despite advances in racial equality, the country remains far from a “post-racial” society.

The pictures below were captured by The Huffington Post's Emily Kassie:

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