Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales' New Social Network TPO.COM Aims To Make The World A Better Place

Wikipedia's Founder Has Created A Social Network To Make The World A Better Place

Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales is no stranger to the internet.

In January 2001, he launched a free encyclopaedia created by the people, for the people. Today, it is clicked on over 200 times a second and half a billion times a month.

However, he - perhaps like the rest of us - has grown weary of one of the web's best and worst facets — social media.

Tired of the mindlessness it can at times propagate, he has decided to change what he doesn't like and launch his own social network — one that, in his eyes, will give meaning to the incessant need we have to share ourselves with the virtual world. in beta:

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The purpose-driven network,, has been launched in conjunction with the mobile phone service provider The People's Operator (TPO), of which he is chairman.

Wales' vision to create an "ad-free social network with purpose" aims to capitalise on the fact that we happen to be quite a generous nation.

We sat down to chat with him about why he think there's something wrong with the web and how his new network will change the way people use social media.

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