William Hague Announces EU Audit: What Did Twitter Think?

Hague's EU Audit Provokes

As one of the most divisive issues in politics, Britain's EU membership causes a stir when debated in the Commons, in the local pub or on the web.

When foreign secretary William Hague announced a review into EU powers impact Britain, scores took to Twitter to express their delight or their dismay at the so-called EU audit.

Loyal Tory MPs, and assorted eurosceptics, tweeted of their pleasure at getting yet another chance to bash the European Union.

Dan Hannan and Jacqueline Foster, both Conservative MEPs, tweeted of their "delight" at the proposal.

However, the scepticism was not saved just for the eurosceptics as a number of commentators questioned the worth of the new audit.

Meanwhile the Express' Patrick O'Flynn observed that it was yet another example of the coalition government's "fence-sitting".

Click through our slideshow below to see the best of the reaction on Twitter.

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