WIN! One Of 10 Copies Of 'If You're Not The One' By Jemma Forte With #MyDailyEasterRead

WIN! One Of 10 Copies Of 'If You're Not The One' By Jemma Forte With #MyDailyEasterRead

With the Easter Bank Holiday just around the corner we've teamed up with Mira Books to giveaway 10 copies of Jemma Forte's latest novel If You're Not The One worth £7.99 each.

If You're Not the One is the latest novel from TV presenter-cum-writer Jemma Forte. The tale follows 38-year-old Jennifer Wright, who has a seemingly perfect life with husband, Max, two kids and a lovely home.

However, frustrated with her lack of a career and a husband who barely seems to notice her, she can't help but wonder, is this it? Hurtling towards middle-age and an impending mid-life crisis, Jennifer looks back at her life and wonders what might have happened had she made different choices along the way.

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To enter the competition all you to do is follow us on Twitter and tweet the answer to the following question...

Who will be celebrating her 40th birthday on 17 April?

The MyDaily Beauty Win is live now until 5pm today (Wednesday 16 April 2014) so get tweeting us your answers now. Make sure you use our competition hashtag too #MyDailyEasterRead.

Need a clue? Click here for a helping. Good luck and get tweeting...