Women's March London: Thousands Take To The Streets In Startling Show Of Strength

WATCH: HuffPost UK broadcast from the heart of the march.
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Dan Kitwood via Getty Images

Thousands of people gathered in central London on Saturday for the capital’s Women’s March.

Millions are expected to attend marches across the world to support womens’ rights - in a show of force on the first full day of Donald Trump’s presidency.

The Huffington Post UK broadcast live from the heart of the march, below.

And pictures from central London show the vast size and scale of the event.

Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
The march snaked through central London as crowds thronged the route from the US embassy to Trafalgar Square.

"Dump Trump," was the message of hundreds of signs at the event.
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
And many placards on the march highlighted Donald Trump's comments about women.

[The very best signs from today's global Women's Marches]
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Organisers claimed on stage that between 80,000 and 100,000 people had taken part in the rally.

The BBC reported there was no real way of verifying that figure.
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Meanwhile, up to 200,000 protestors are expected to begin a march on the US capitol Washington D.C.

That march was the inspiration for the myriad global events taking place on Saturday.
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Large crowds at central London Underground stations were pictured on social media.

Delays in transportation were reported in the areas closest to the main rallies.
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Labour MP Harriet Harman was seen on the march alongside playwright and author Bonnie Greer.

Womens' equality campaigner and TV presenter Sandi Toksvig gave an inspiring speech at the Trafalgar Square rally.
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Dan Kitwood via Getty Images
Protest signs ahead of London's Women's March depicted President Donald Trump.

"Trump. Special relationship? Just Say No," one sign read.
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