World Book Day 2015: Is It Time for You to Leave YOUR Philosophical Footprint on the World?

This week we celebrated World Book Day, but I want to urge you to use the event as an opportunity to remind yourself of those books which have most influenced you at any point in your life.

This week we celebrated World Book Day, but I want to urge you to use the event as an opportunity to remind yourself of those books which have most influenced you at any point in your life. Let's consider all books, rather than relying on publishers with big budgets deciding which books should gain all the glory. World Book Day is a time to celebrate the beauty of the written word and excellent books, yet why does it increasingly seem to be about which publishing house has the biggest budgets to push out free copies of their predicted best-sellers?

I'd much rather the day focused on promoting those books which have made the biggest impact in people's lives, whether written by a big name or a relatively unknown self-published author. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it is only by recognising all books can the true essence of World Book Day really be appreciated and its legacy passed onto others.

Reading a good book is a common pastime for millions of people across the globe. However, finding a special book that resonates with the reader and leaves a lasting impression on them, is a rare and treasured occurrence. When we find these golden nuggets, it is our responsibility to share this insight with others, so that they too can benefit from what the author has to share. That is, in my opinion, the true essence of World Book Day.

So with that in mind, I'd like to ask you - is now the time to leave YOUR philosophical footprint on the world?

You probably feel very alive today, but I'm guessing that one day you will no longer be here in the flesh. When that day comes, I wonder what you will be leaving behind. A family - spouse, children, grandchildren, maybe great-grandchildren? Assets? Such as a house, car or other material possessions? Or intangible assets, like a company?

You will most likely leave many of those things behind, and you will also leave behind memories and ideas. Let's call this your philosophical footprint. All important thinkers leave a philosophical footprint on the world. Any inspirational leader, past or present, that has made an impact on you did so by sharing their unique wisdom and ideas in a way that spoke to you and moved you in some way.

About five percent of all people manage to fulfil their big dreams and create something really special in the world, something that lasts and helps people for generations to come.

I don't know if you are in the five percent, but if you are, you will know what I am talking about! I love seeing people free their best ideas and daring thoughts so that they can take others to a new level of thinking and action. That is true leadership - thought leadership, in fact, since they move people mostly with the power of their ideas.

Now is a great time to reflect on what people will remember about you, what you said, how you made them feel and maybe even how you inspired them! Stepping through life is easy; we all do it. Leaving a lasting footprint can also be easy. You just need to choose.