#WorldEmojiDay: Emojis Reimagined As Real People

#WorldEmojiDay: If Emojis Were Celebrities This Is Who They Would Be

Emojis are proof that pictures do (at times) paint a thousand words.

Today is World Emoji Day -- 17 July is the date noted on the calendar emoji.

To celebrate this non-event, people are tweeting about their love for the little faces that often take over our texts, iMessages, emails and WhatsApp chats.

Given the range of human emotion emojis can now convey we thought it fitting to rebrand the little faces as real people -- those characters who tend to best represent these emojis in real life.

Here it is:


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Jon Stewart


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The dancing girl

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Jeremy Clarkson

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Donald Trump

Black police officer

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Chris Tucker

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Walter White

Don't want any part of it

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Meryl Streep

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Celebrating awesomeness

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The Obamas

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