China To Build World's Tallest Building, Sky City One, In Seven Months

How Long Will It Take China To Build World's Tallest Building?

Work on what will be world's tallest building will start in June - and will be finished just seven months later.

This astounding feat compares to the five years it took to build the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, currently the tallest skyscraper on the planet.

Sky City One will be constructed in Changsha, China and will be 220 storeys and 838 metres tall when finished - eight more than the Burj Khalifa.

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An artist's impression of the finished Sky City One

The company behind the build, Broad Sustainable Construction (BSB), specialises in building pre-fabricated towers.

The methods used have a number of advantages. They are cheap, thermally efficient and because they are so quick to construct, are relatively environmentally friendly. Take a look below at their previous successful attempt to build a 30 storey hotel in 48 hours.

They are also earthquake resistant to a magnitude of nine and have a fire resistance of three hours due to ceramic tiles.

The entire build should cost around £415 million compared to the £993 million price tag of the Burj Khalifa.

The technique has already been successfully used to build a 30 storey hotel in 48 hours (see video below).

Whereas the Burj Khalifa is very much a status-building, Sky City One is much more of a practical affair designed to accomodate a hospital, five schools, apartments and offices in sustainable surroundings.

Remarkably it was initially thought construction of Sky City One would take only 90 days.

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