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Amisha Ghadiali discovered the reality of our global fashion industry whilst setting up her jewellery label. This put her on a mission to bring awareness to the politics of dressing in an increasingly throwaway world. Her current projects include hosting the Future Fashion series with Soho House, 12 Rules to Dress By (her guide to a sustainable wardrobe) and writing for a number of publications as well as her blog Elegance Rebellion.
Amisha’s work has been recognised by selection to the Cultural Leadership Programme in 2011, the Courvoisier Future 500 and a Future 100 award. She also set up radical think tank, Think Act Vote (?!X) in 2010, which explores the new and creative ways we can and are shaping our future lives and communities. Think Act Vote released it's book The Future We Choose in July 2012 bringing together over 200 contributors.
She is a trustee of the Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development (FDSD), an elected council member of the Electoral Reform Society and an ambassador for Womankind Worldwide.
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