
Amy Ransom

Blogger and author of The New Mum's Notebook

I’m the keeper of two small people of the girl variety, Beaver (5) and Godivy (3) and a recent addition, The Boy with No Name (0). Navigating the world of willies has come as something of a surprise.

I’ve run a marathon just to see if I could. At mile 20 I decided that labour was less painful. Since giving birth again I would like to retract that.

I write about life and motherhood. Things like why I don’t have a bathroom bin, and what every woman should know about motherhood before they join. And all the other bits I haven’t blocked out. I’ve been told I make other mums feel better. Yes, that’s how much of a disastrous one I am. So if you ever feel a bit like me, you’re in good company here. I’ve also written a book, Up the Duff without a Paddle. Bet you can’t guess what that’s about.