
Andreas Souvaliotis

Social Entrepreneur

Known as one of Canada's leading serial social entrepreneurs, Andreas was the original founder of the world's first mass eco-points program (Green Rewards) which was eventually fused with Air Miles, Canada’s largest consumer loyalty platform, and transformed the way governments could support positive behaviour shifts among large population groups. His current global sequel harnesses the broader popularity of all loyalty points programs and builds permanent policy promotion partnerships with government agencies.

Andreas has been recognized globally for his social change achievements while his bestselling memoir, "Misfit", has proven uniquely popular among younger audiences and is also spawning the creation of a biopic film. He is a prolific public speaker, writer and advisor to leading business schools in Canada. He serves on the National Board of the Immigrant Access Fund, the Board of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship, the Canadian Executive Board of the Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) and the Executive Board of Toronto's Harbourfront Centre. Andreas is currently the Founder and CEO of Social Change Rewards Inc.

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