
Andrew Connell

Global Head of Innovation and Partnerships, HSBC

Andrew, Global Head of Innovation and Partnerships and Asia Pacific Head of Digital, RBWM, joined HSBC in November 2014. He grew the HSBC Asia Pacific Digital team from a handful of people to several hundred including platforms/products and execution capability, and now also leads innovation, partnerships, and digital development globally. He has established a new shared workspace for the Digital team at WeWork in Hong Kong, guided the launch of new products and capability including new mobile apps and deep data-driven messaging to improve customer experience, and has substantially grown key business performance metrics; digital sales and engagement. He is now helping steer the innovation and partnership group to a new and expanded brief.

Previously, Andrew served as Chief Marketing Officer, Europe at Huawei. Prior to Huawei, he built and led two internet start-ups in the United States in dating and restaurants with Planet Hollywood. His previous blue-chip experience includes 12 years internationally in mobile devices, software and digital services at Nokia and United Kingdom Carrier O2. He helped to create three corporate start-ups Nokia eCommerce (14 countries including China), Tesco Mobile and Genie Internet (

Previously, Andrew held positions at Disney, American Express and The Tussaud Group. He has lived and worked in the United Kingdom and the United States, and has been based in Hong Kong for three years.

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