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Senior director marketing, EMEA, online services division at Citrix
Andrew has worked at Citrix for six years. Before joining the company he was Acquisition Manager for T-Mobile Direct, where he was responsible for Post-pay, Pre-pay, Business (SOHO and small business) and Data Proposition across all channels, including web and telesales. His success in developing channel-specific marketing strategies reflects his belief in the critical value of creating highly targeted and compelling propositions, promotions and communications for simple and easy-to-use collaboration tools from Citrix.
Andrew’s responsibilities at Citrix include demand generation for both EMEA and Asia-Pacific and leading the overall marketing strategy for the expansion across these regions. He is a strong advocate of workshifting and is passionately committed to the Citrix approach, which he believes makes a real difference, directly meeting the needs of today’s business by enabling people to work more flexibly and collaboratively.
Andrew is a career-long marketer, having gained a BA (Hons) Marketing from Huddersfield and a CIM Professional Diploma.
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