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Andy Markowitz is co-founder and chief content wrangler of, the leading online resource on music documentaries with interviews, reviews, events, and a database of music films. MFW has been a media partner with music-doc-friendly film fests like the Leeds International Film Festival, CPH:DOX in Copenhagen, the Chicago International Movies & Music Festival, Sound Unseen in Minneapolis, and Don't Knock the Rock in Los Angeles, and Andy has sat on expert music-film panels at South by Southwest and Sheffield Doc/Fest. He previously served as editor in chief at the alternative weekly Baltimore City Paper and multimedia editor at Transitions Online, a Web magazine covering the former communist bloc. He lives in Sheffield with his wife and the world's sweetest cat, and his favorite music docs (at the moment) are Anvil! The Story of Anvil, The Punk Syndrome, and The Agony and the Ecstasy of Phil Spector.