
Anne Marie Neatham

COO Ocado Technology

Anne Marie Neatham is Chief Operating Officer at Ocado Technology, the division that powers Ocado, the world’s largest online-only grocery retailer.

As COO of Ocado Technology, Anne Marie leads a variety of technical development and infrastructure departments in the UK and Poland. Anne Marie is an Irish-expat. She completed a BSc in Computer Science at University College Cork before starting work as a software engineer. She has worked in various technical roles in Ireland, the US, Germany
and the UK. Anne Marie joined Ocado in 2001, to lead the development of our early in house support applications. She has since lead the development of applications in various areas of Ocado technology and is particularly proud of having lead and managed the opening of our
first international development centre in Poland.

Anne Marie leads the Code for Life initiative, at the heart of which is Rapid Router, a free comprehensive coding teaching resource for primary schools. It forms the first in a series of educational resources being created by Ocado Technology based on real life challenges
within its business to inspire young people to take up a career in computer science.

Anne Marie and her husband spend as much time as possible scuba diving in the UK, a favourite hobby due to the underwater wildlife, along with the opportunity to play with the new tech toys that come on the market each year.

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