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Barbara Coward is a higher education marketing consultant living in Baltimore, Maryland. After graduating from Vassar College with a B.A. in French, Barbara worked in the mutual fund industry in Boston for nearly a decade before moving to Wiltshire, England where she received her M.B.A. from the University of Bath, married a British brush manufacturer, and started her family. Since then, she’s alternatively “leaned in half-way” (working part-time as the University of Bath’s first MBA admissions and marketing manager), “leaned out” (working for the next 7 years as “CMO” - that is, Chief Mom Officer - to two young boys after relocating back to the States), and then “leaned in all the way” (working full-time as the assistant director of executive MBA programs for a private university in Baltimore). Now, as a single mom-preneur raising a son in middle school and another son in high school - she’s basically just trying not to lean over trying to find enough hours in the day to be a dedicated professional and a present mom.