
Bernie Bulkin

Energy and Environment guy part time leadership guru

Bernie Bulkin is a leading voice on energy and environmental issues, in business, non-profits, and Government. He is a director of private equity firm Ludgate Investment Limited, Executive Chairman of K3 Energy and K3Solar Ltd, developing solar projects in Nigeria, an independent director of ATN International (NASDAQ ATNI) doing solar projects in the US and India, and a director of Sustainable Power Ltd, developing micro CHP for the UK market. He is a member of the FTSE Environmental Markets Advisory Committee, and is a Senior Partner with management consultancy Re.fresch. He is a Vice President of the Energy Institute. Bernie has served as Chair of the UK Office of Renewable Energy (2010-2013), and has had several other UK Government roles on sustainable energy and transport. He was a venture partner of Vantage Point Capital Partners from 2004-2014. He is Emeritus Professorial Fellow of Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge, and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Energy and Environmental Science. Dr Bulkin was formerly Chief Scientist of BP

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