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Dr Bob Wekesa is a senior lecturer in the department of journalism and media studies at the University of the Witwatersrand. He is the coordinator of the Wits Journalism and Media Studies mid-career programme, research and publications. He supervises and examines honours, masters and PhD students at Wits. Dr Wekesa is also affiliated with the newly launched African Center for the Study of the United States based at Wits. He has been a research associate at the Wits Africa China Reporting Project since 2012. Dr Wekesa graduated with a B.Ed. (arts) degree in linguistics and literature from University of Nairobi (1998), an MA in International Communications from Communication University of China, Beijing (2012) and a PhD from the same institution focusing on Chinese media and public diplomacy in Africa with Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa as focal points (2015). He served as editorial director, managing editor and reporter in the Kenyan media before going into academia. Dr Wekesa is widely published in the fields of communications and the media, public diplomacy (with a focus on media, diplomacy and foreign policy). Starting with a focus on Africa-China engagements, Dr Wekesa is now turning his gaze on the study of African public diplomacy.