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Actress, comedian, writer and misplaced Australian
Brydie is an actress, comedian and writer. Since 2008 she has toured to comedy and fringe festivals around the world, writing and performing in sketch comedies, cabarets, kids' shows and the occasional overwrought drama. She is best known as the writer of Princess Cabaret, which took the UK by storm in 2009 and 2010, and Jo & Brydie Play Doctor, which toured internationally in 2011. Her writing has also been featured on a variety of Australian television shows and in news and current affairs publications such as The Hoopla and Equity Magazine. Brydie's greatest achievement remains performing an hour long feminist cabaret at a football club in regional Australia and only being heckled once. She can be seen performing regularly as one half of cabaret duo Sugar & Vice and one third of sketch troupe Bad Bread. She currently lives in London with 2 tortoises and not enough winter coats.