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Novelist, lawyer and mother
Camilla Macpherson is a novelist and lawyer living in London with her Canadian husband and their young daughter. Camilla graduated from Oxford University with a First in Classics in 1998, then put ancient history behind her and went on to study law in London.
She currently works part-time as a lawyer in a City firm and spends the rest of her time writing or with her daughter. She is a previous winner of the Promis Prize for short stories and has been short-listed for several other writing awards.
Camilla's first novel, Pictures at an Exhibition, was published by Random House in April 2012. It has also been published by Ullstein Buchverlage in German (under the title Am tag und in der Nacht) and is currently being translated into Dutch and Polish.
You can find out more about Camilla and her novel
on her website.