
Campbell X

Writer and Director

Campbell is an award-winning filmmaker/curator and writer/director of Stud Life (2012) an urban queer feature film which screened in London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, Frameline, Outfest, Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival and Africa in the Picture.

Campbell was honoured by Queer Black Cinema festival in New York 2009. Image, Memory and Representation was a retrospective of Campbell's work at the LLGFF 2007.

Campbell curated No Heroes as part of the Progress Reports 2010 at Iniva which also screened at the Red Cat Arts Centre in Los Angeles and Mix NYC in New York 2010 and BAAD NYC 2011.

Campbell was a selector for GFEST 2009/10/11 and London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival 2004/2005. Campbell was festival director for arts festival The Fire This Time! – Queering Black History Month 2006.

Campbell blogs occasionally at BlackmanVision and tweets far too much @campbellx.

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